Saturday, December 5, 2009

Exciting news!!

Joe and I are excited to announce our new venture. We have joined with a fellow Hypnotherapist, Scott MacDougall, and formed Please go to the site, check it out and pass the address along to everyone you love and care about.

We have been so busy, which is a good thing. Things are going well and we should have more time to blog and keep the websites updated and interesting. Boy the internet takes a chunk of time, doesn't it? We are on Facebook too.....Doreen Shea Marchetti and Joe Marchetti. I am also on Twitter.... 1creativemonkey.

Have a wonderful Holiday Season.

with Infinite Love & Gratitude, Namaste'

Doreen & Joe

Saturday, October 24, 2009

Hello from Doreen & Joe

Joe and I would like to share this wonderful meditation by Doreen Virtue. Give yourself the gift of 10 uninterrupted minutes to watch this beautiful video she made from her home in Hawaii. And as you watch listen to the loving message she shares.

With Infinite Love & Gratitude we share this video

Thursday, October 8, 2009

Conscious Breathing

Conscious Breathing: "How often are yo so caught up in the daily 'to do' list that if it weren't for your sub-conscious (reptillian) brain would you forget to breathe? Conscious breathing is the conscious decision to breathe in deeply and as you do saying 'I am' and as you breathe out saying 'at peace'. It is amazing how this small act of self love can center you and from the center you can choose to go in any direction. You are also making a direct connection from the conscious mind to the sub-conscious mind, they are operating as one. It feels natural, peaceful, and joyful, and most of all loving, and that is our natural state of being. So make sure to add the time on your 'to do' list to breathe consciously, and let's call it the 'to be' list. AAAAAHHHH!
Love and blessings

Monday, September 21, 2009

Yes!! A Real Post. Ok, it's a copy of my newsletter. Time is short right now, I am doing my best....I am BEING my BEST! Enjoy

American Sign I Love YouJoe and I are excited to tell you about our new adventures. We just returned from a trip to Chicago where we learned The LifeLine Technique. We also have a pretty full calendar of events to serve you better with more variety in healing modalities. Enjoy the newsletter, I know we will hear from you soon.

with Infinite Love and Gratitude
Namaste' and Blessings....

Doreen & Joe Marchetti
Finally Understand

Infinite Love and Gratitude

Joe Dr Darren Weissman Doreen

Joe and I were honored and privileged to attend Dr. Darren Weissman's, Conscious Body- Conscious Mind training. This three day, intensive class, marks the beginning of our journey to becoming Certified LifeLine Technique Practitioners. This Technique also known as Infinite Love and Gratitude is a profound method of healing. Here is some information about the LifeLine Technique for you...

The following is directly from Dr. Weissman's website. Why reinvent the wheel? If you want to learn more, click on our picture with Dr. Darren and you will go to his site.

Your body is a self-healing organism...what if you could finally unlock its natural ability to heal...what if you could thrive?

The LifeLine TechniqueTM is a life-changing integrative healing system used to evaluate your body, mind and spirit. It uses muscle testing to identify the emotional, biochemical, structural and spiritual source of a symptom (the root cause).

Once the root cause is identified, it can be released...freeing you to heal.

The LifeLine TechniqueTM allows you to connect to and release anything causing pain or stress in your life:

Physical symptoms

Chronic pain


Stressful experiences or memories



Patterns of dis-ease


Relationship problems

Patterns keeping you from succeeding in your work or life.

And much more...

You may have experienced many of the following techniques on their own. With The LifeLine TechniqueTM imagine getting to experience the kind of transformation that can only come from combining the best of these energy healing modalities into one:

5 Element Based Acupuncture - The Five Elements help us to understand that the natural flow of energy that takes place in nature also occurs within your body.

Chakras - Energy centers in your body that connect your body to the collective consciousness (the universe or source). Each chakra is associated with acupuncture meridians, physiological functions and certain beliefs.

Color Therapy - Every color has a vibration and frequency of energy that can dramatically affect your health, inner harmony and emotions.

Shamanism - An ancient healing tradition that embraces ceremony, vision quest and pilgrimages to powerful places in nature to strengthen, unify our lives and promote healing and love.

Homeopathy - A complementary and alternative medicine modality that looks at your entire physical and emotional health and treats the root cause of imbalances with natural remedies.

Chiropractic - Non-invasive treatment of the musculoskeletal system and nervous system that focuses on alignment in body, mind and lifestyle for overall health.

Total Body Modification (TBM) - A system of natural health that uses muscle testing and reflex points to eliminate roadblocks to health and unlock your body's natural ability to heal.

Neuro Emotional Technique (NET) - Helps you identify and resolve stuck events (real or imagined) that are affecting your ability to have optimal health and well-being in mind and body.

Neuro-Linguistic Programming (NLP) - A system of creating success, health and well-being through changing your thoughts, behaviors and belief systems.

Psychoneuroimmunology - Scientific and medical disciplines, including psychology, neurosciences, immunology, physiology, pharmacology, psychiatry, behavioral medicine, infectious diseases, endocrinology and rheumatology, focused on interactions between the nervous and immune systems, and the relationship between behavior and health.

Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing (EMDR) - An integrative health approach combining psychodynamic, cognitive behavioral, interpersonal, experiential, and body-centered therapies to help you heal from trauma or loss.

Applied Kinesiology (AK) - Also called muscle testing, AK is a diagnostic or therapeutic tool that identifies the root cause of symptoms you are experiencing.

The LifeLine TechniqueTM like YOUR healing process, is an evolutionary journey. This means that is it continuously growing and evolving as the collective consciousness grows and evolves.

Abraham Hicks

Finally Understand NowI'm so excited!!! Joe and I are signed up to see Abraham in action!! October 10, 2009 in Danvers MA. Esther and Jerry Hicks do an amazing job of traveling all over the world so that we can experience Abraham not only through books, video and audio recordings, but in person too. Well, as in person as you can, when I am referring to a collective consciousness of beings, not in physical form. For those of you not familiar with Abraham/Hicks, click on our F.U.N. logo in this article and you will go to their site.

Check out our Calendar of Events

Finally Understand NowWe have so many wonderful methods of self healing & Love to share with you. Our calendar on our website is updated and full of wonderful opportunities for you, your friends and loved ones. Click on the F.U.N. logo to go directly to our calendar page.

Here is some of what we are offering at Finally Understand Now (our Brockton home office) & Collective Souls in Acushnet MA. ...

Louise Hay, Heal Your Life® 2 day Workshops....we are offering our two day workshops on two consecutive Sundays instead of a Saturday and Sunday. Joe and I are hoping that offering the workshop this way will enable more people to fit it into their schedules. This workshop is life-changing and really worth giving to yourself. Just about all of the other modalities we are trained in, and offer to you, draw on the work of Louise L Hay. She is a leader in the Holistic Healing world and also the publisher of the majority of self-help and spiritual books on the market today. We have dates scheduled for our original 2 day Heal Your Life workshop, and for all of you that have attended that we have more. We are now offering an advanced 2 day workshop titled, Love Yourself Even More. Since this workshop expands on what you learned and experienced in the original Heal Your Life® workshop, it is a pre-requisite to have attended the original Louise Hay, 2 day Heal Your Life® workshop in order to sign up for this one. We are offering both at Collective Souls in Acushnet MA. If you would like to host a workshop at your home or business, please email it will change your life!

The Wish.......amazing!! open to 12 participants. Make it a ladies night out, or a couples night out. You will be amazed at the miracles that happen in your life after playing this "game". Playing in a group is a powerful experience. Give it a try, I'm positive you will be blown away by the power of this "game". We also offer this "game" @ Collective Souls in Acushnet, see website for details. (want to host The Wish at your home or business? email

Individual Hypnosis & Past Life Regressions are available.

Group Hypnosis & Past Life Regressions are on the calendar being held @ Finally Understand Now in Brockton and Collective Souls in Acushnet.

EFT Emotional Freedom Technique, an amazing tool to learn and have at your disposal 24/7. Another healing modality with amazing and sometimes miraculous results. Being offered @ Finally Understand Now in Brockton and Collective Souls in Acushnet.

Intuitive Angel Card Readings Check the calendar to find out when I am at Collective Souls offering readings. I am also available for individual readings as well as local home parties. contact

There are even more workshops/classes listed in our calendar of events on our F.U.N. website. Click on the logo to go directly to the calendar. All events require pre-registration.

*******Special Offer*******

American Sign I Love You

****I will be adding LifeLine Technique sessions to our calendar ASAP, right now we are working with volunteers. Want to volunteer for a LifeLine treatment? email or We have openings for a few more people email quick to get one of these limited volunteer spots.****

About Finally Understand Now

With Infinite Love and Gratitude.......

Finally Understand Now
23 Electric Ave
Brockton, Massachusetts 02302

I'm working on an update

In the meantime enjoy a poem Joe wrote last year. It helps explain how we named our business Finally Understand Now aka: F.U.N.


For most of my years life was a challenge, to say the least

It seemed as though it was on my back, like a great big ugly beast

Worrying if I had done good enough, would I make the grade

Agonizing about what was ahead, is the only time the past would fade

If I made a mistake, I pulled out that emotional bat

Then let everyone else punish me, I became a doormat

The future must be perfect, no mistakes can there be

More worry, more turmoil, high expectations I placed on me

Stoneface they called me, if I smiled I would crack

Worry, tension, anger, and sadness, a four stage attack

Then something happened to change my thinking, I started to console

Something made me realize, that I wasn’t in control

There are only two words to think about, they simplify life so well

They are Me, and Now, upon nothing else I need dwell

So when thoughts of controlling others, past or future come, I try to not allow

Because I feel the peace, and freedom, I Finally Understand Now.

©Joe Marchetti 2008

Tuesday, June 16, 2009

How and why do affirmatiions work?

Have you ever wondered why or how affirmations work? Here is my understanding. We have created many of our behaviors and thoughts by way of repeated messages that were told to us, or that we told ourselves until they became true for us. Affirmations are the very same thing with a different name. When we are changing our thoughts, and behaviors via affirmations, our conscious mind filters what is allowed to get into our sub-conscious mind. After repeatedly saying affirmations with emotion they too become true for us. Eventually they get through the filters and enter the sub-conscious and voila! a new way of thinking and a new attitude. So it is necessary to say affirmation often, very often, and when you add the emotion, you have a recipe for success. One very generic affirmation written long ago is "Every day in every way I am getting better and better".
Love and blessings

Wednesday, June 3, 2009

Row Row Row Your Boat

Let go and let God. I believe this means not obsessing or worrying about the outcomes of situations. To stop trying to control every result. To have faith (sometimes blind faith) that there is a higher power at work and that eveything happens for a reason. Our spirit knows this, it is our mind that has difficulty with it. However, it also does not mean that we do not have to do anything. It is our job to row the boat, (do the footwork) and our higher power steers the boat (guides us in directions). We cannot row and steer at the same time, and our higher power does not row. If we do nothing we go no-where, when we do the work and allow ourselves to be guided, and accept that where we are is exactly where we are suppose to be we are now-here. Like the song says Row, row, row, your boat, gently down the stream, merrily, merrily, merrily, merrilyLife is but a dream
Love and blessings

Monday, May 25, 2009

Reality Check

If I live in the now, and don't judge good or bad, I can just accept life as it comes. It is when I choose to take the now reality and write a fictional story around it, that I now have an imagined reality, hence good and bad becomes part of the story. This imagined reality is just as real as if it were happening now, because IT IS............ in my mind. Having the awareness of this doesn't mean I am always able to just think it different, but it does mean I know when I am doing it. This awareness allows me to get out of the movie directors role more often, more easily, or at least know that I am doing it to myself, by choice. The more I am aware that I am choosing, I choose not to.
What's in your reality?

Wednesday, May 20, 2009

One word inspiritaion

Is it possible to inspire someone using one word? I think it is if you use an acronym. Let's see how many of us can come up with an acronym for a word that has a spiritual in nature inspiration. I will start the ball rolling my word is ASTRAL. The acronym is A Spiritual Threshold Reaffirming All Love. Now it is your turn.
Love and blessings

Monday, May 18, 2009

We are back!..............

After our 10 day trip to California which included, attending the I Can Do It conference, then advanced training we came home to prepare to facilitate our May, Heal Your Life® Workshop this past weekend. Joe and I are in "recharge our energy" mode. I wanted to take a few moments this morning to share a few photos with you.

Doreen, Johathan Ellerby and Joe at ICDI

Doreen and Sonia Choquette, what a light she is!
The most cherished photo is this picture of Joe, Louise Hay and Doreen (me).
To be in her energy is a blessing.

Advance Class at Rick and Patricia's ranch.
Anne, Joe, Jan, Sandra, Kelly, Rita, Michele & Sandra (I'm taking the photo)

Joe and Brian Weiss at ICDI

Joe and Sonia Choquette at ICDI
Joe and Doreen at Rick and Patricia's ranch
San Diego is a gorgeous place to be. We thank Rick and Patricia
for sharing their piece of Heaven on Earth with us.

Thank you sharing in our joy. A new calender of events is coming very soon.

Thursday, April 30, 2009

We are leaving in one Hour

For............ Click HERE to find out where we will be for the first part of our trip!!!!

After the above, we will be in advanced training. FUN, FUN, FUN!!!!

Friday, April 17, 2009


When everything changes, change everything. That is the title of a book by Neale Donald Walsch that is coming out soon. It also is a great thing to remember. I am, right now, updating information on our website. New information, new pricing, new, new, new. Must be spring fever!! All things are new again. All things are bright and full of potential!! We all are, can you feel it too?

Check out the website, I'll update the blog soon as well. The rest of this gorgeous day is going to be spent outside cleaning out my car and motor home.
There is no better catalyst to cleaning out the car than unexpectedly needing to give someone a ride home. Yikes!! Seeing the inside of my car through their eyes was not a good feeling moment for me. However, I am grateful because now that I've seen it, I will clean it and keep it that way!! And so it is!!

love, peace and blessings..........

Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Change your thoughts-Change your life!

Workshop facilitators Joe and Doreen Marchetti are
certified-licensed Heal Your Life® Teachers.
As Heal your Life® Teachers our passion and mission is to share Louise Hay's
work with everyone that has a desire to free themselves from
old negative beliefs and thought patterns. We help people fill their own
toolboxes with the tools they need to live their best, most joy-filled lives.
We both feel we are here to pass on to others, what has helped us forgive
the past, not fear the future, and gratefully serve the moment.
We help people learn to love, accept and approve of themselves,
just the way they are.
We both chose to spread Louise*s method of healing because it*s gentle, it's loving and it works.
Upcoming workshop in June 2009
Solar Hill
229 Western Ave
Brattleboro VT
Saturday June 13 and
Sunday June 14, 2009
9 am to 6 pm (both days).
Join us for a life changing experience.
open to 22 participants
includes all workshop materials.
Food not included....great places for lunch nearby
registration required: Your Investment $222
Before May 8th receive $22 discount = $200
call Carol @ 413-773-8212 to sign up
If I can be of service...1-508-728-9740
The point of power is in the present moment...right here, and now, in our minds. It doesn't matter how long we've had negative patterns, an illness, a rotton relationship, lack of finances, or feelings of self-hatred. We can begin to make a change today! The thoughts we've held, and the words we've repeatedly used, have created our life experiences up to this point. Yet, that is past thinking; we've already done that. What we're choosing to think and say today, at this moment, will create our tomorrow and the next day, and the next week, and the next month, and the next year, and so on. ~Louise Hay

Monday, March 2, 2009

May 2009 Workshop

Two day Heal Your Life® workshop*

Click here for more information about our workshops

*Saturday: May 16, 2009 &
Sunday: May 17, 2009

9:00 am to 6:00 pm both days*
Location: Heaven on Earth in Abington MA.
Investment: 2 day workshop: $222.00

Sign up: before May 8, 2009 discount: $200.00

Payment arrangements available

Email: or call Karen @ 781-857-1444 or
call Doreen @ 508-728-9740

Joe and I have been guided to reduce the price of
our two day workshop and to offer payment arrangements.

Everyone is feeling the affects of the current economic climate
and this is one way we can keep our workshops affordable.

Our workshops fill up quickly. Sign up now to get a spot.

All workshop materials are provided.

*The one and two day workshops do include a mid-morning
break, lunch break and a mid-afternoon break.*

*Unless noted in a workshop listing, food is not provided.*

"Healing hearts, heals our planet". ~Doreen Marchetti

Friday, February 6, 2009

March Workshop information

Louise L. Hay
Heal Your Life, Achieve Your Dreams:
A Two Day Life Changing Workshop!
Facilitated by: Joe and Doreen Marchetti

Come and join us for a powerful two day discovery of who you really are. Find your inner-child again, learn how to heal, and how to love. Most of all, learn how to love the most important person in your life here on earth, yourself.

Workshop participants will discover that loving ourselves is the foundation for making positive changes. Using affirmations, visualizations, and other techniques developed by Louise Hay, you will experience transformation as you heal the past, present, and future. By learning to allow barriers to dissolve, every area of your life can improve using the techniques we teach; personal, career and prosperity.

When: Saturday: March 21, 2009 &
Sunday: March 22, 2009
Time: 9:00 am to 6:00 pm both days
Investment for 2 day workshop: $275.00
Sign up before March 13, 2009 discount: $225.00
LOCATION: Heaven on Earth Abington, Ma
REGISTRATION: Required*************************
Email: or call Karen @ 781-857-1444
All workshop materials are provided.
*Two day workshops do include a mid-morning break,
lunch break and a mid-afternoon break.*
*Unless noted in a workshop listing, food is not provided.*
Be the change you wish to see in the world.....Gandhi
Please contact us if you have any questions or would like to have a workshop
at your place of business, worship, function room etc.
* Call Joe at, 508-728-9739
* Call Doreen at, 508-728-9740
Namaste', Monkey Hugs and Blessings from Doreen & Joe

Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Come Join us in the P.O.O.L.

Is it true that you get what you give? I like to think it is true. Let's prove this theory of the universal energy. Remember that to give is an action, it does not mean thinking and not doing, and it does not mean wait until someone else gives to you first. Imagine yourself in a circle and that everyone you meet today is a part of that circle of this day. Pass One Ounce of Love to each person in some way that feels right to you. Then tune in to all of your interactions with people the rest of the day and notice how many ounces of love are being sent your way. A circle always has a beginning (you) and and ending (you). Begin by giving and you will be receiving a multiplied version of what you are giving. So come on in the P.O.O.L. (Pass One Ounce of Love). Let me know how your experience turns out.
Love and Blessings
Joe and Doreen

Monday, January 19, 2009

Buddha Wisdom

Subhuti said: "If I understand correctly, one who wishes to reach perfect wisdom should study the way things are in the world and should practice the perfections fully and in depth but should not believe them to be ultimately real, nor should he make concepts and doctrines out of them."

The Buddha replied: "Just so, Subhuti. The one who contemplates existence in this way knows the nature of the conditioned and of the unconditioned and makes himself an expert in pointing out the truth to others, both with words and without words."

Subhuti asked: "But is this just for the wise and the intelligent?"

"No, indeed," replied the Buddha. "This is open to all, even to the dull witted and to those who can't pay attention. The door is open to anyone who wants to tread this path--but not to the person who is lazy and indifferent."-Prajnaparamita

From "Buddha Speaks," edited by Anne Bancroft, 2000. Reprinted by arrangement with Shambhala Publications, Boston,

Tuesday, January 6, 2009

Think about's very true!



 A son and his father were walking in the mountains.

Suddenly, the son falls, hurts himself and screams:


 To his surprise, he hears the voice repeating, somewhere in the mountain: "AAAhhhhhhhhhhh!!!"

  Curious, he yells: "Who are you?"

He receives the answer: "Who are you?"

  Angered at the response, he screams: "Coward!"

He receives the answer: "Coward!"

  He looks to his father and asks: "What's going on?"

The father smiles and says: "My son, pay attention."

  And then the father screams to the mountain: "I admire you!"

The voice answers: "I admire you!"

  Again the man screams: "You are a champion!"

The voice answers: "You are a champion!"


 The boy is surprised, but does not understand.

Then the father explains: "People call this ECHO, but really this is LIFE.

 It gives you back everything you say or do.

Our life is simply a reflection of our actions.

 If you want more love in the world, create more love in your heart.

 If you want more competence in your team, improve your competence.

 This relationship applies to everything, in all aspects of life; life will give you back everything you have given to it.



 - Author Unknown


Infinite Love & Gratitude

You might want to click pause and let it load then view with no interuptions. YouTube
now has high quality video and it can take a bit to load. It's worth the wait.

With Infinite Love & Graditude,
Doreen & Joe

Friday, January 2, 2009

Open Doors.....Heal Your Life Workshop

Greetings, from Joe and Doreen @
Want to start this New Year of 2009 off with a new way of thinking and feeling,
about yourself and others? 
 Come and join us on this two day journey of self discovery and enlightenment. 

Heal Your Life ~Achieve Your Dreams~A 2-Day Life changing workshop
Open Doors in Braintree MA is honoring all of us by hosting this life changing workshop originally created by Louise L. Hay. Our workshop is designed to help you break through limiting beliefs and heal old wounds so you can learn to live in the now, experience more abundance, self love, spiritual growth, freedom and joy.

Please read the full details below and listen to your soul and see if it guides you 
to take this transformational workshop.

~Heal Your Life ~Achieve your Dreams~
Come and join us for a powerful two day discovery of who you really are. Find your inner-child again, learn how to heal, and how to love. Most of all, learn how to love the most important person in your life here on earth, yourself.

Workshop participants will discover that loving ourselves is the foundation for making positive changes. Using affirmations, visualizations, and other techniques developed by Louise Hay, you will experience transformation as you heal the past, present, and future. By learning to allow barriers to dissolve, every area of your life can improve using the techniques we teach; personal, career and prosperity.

Your Facilitators:  Joe and Doreen Marchetti facilitate the workshop and are certified Louise Hay, Heal Your Life Teachers. Joe is also a Hypnotherapist and Spiritual-Life coach. Doreen is a Reiki Master/Teacher, Spiritual-Life coach and artist. "We feel we are being guided to do our part in healing the planet, one heart at a time". 

Location:  Open Doors...Braintree MA 
Dates:  Sunday, January 18th and  Sunday, January 25th, Time: 9:30 AM-6:30PM both days 
Cost:  $250 **$200 Early discount if registered 1/13
click here to go to Open Doors site
Registration:  register via email or Call 781-843-8224


Heal Your life Workshop at Heaven on Earth

Heal Your Life ~
Achieve Your Dreams~
A 2-Day Life changing workshop

Greetings, from Joe and Doreen @ Finally Understand Now.

Heaven on Earth in Abington MA. is again honoring all of us by hosting this life changing workshop originally created by Louise L. Hay. Our workshop is designed to help you break through limiting beliefs and heal old wounds so you can experience more abundance, self love, spiritual growth, freedom and joy.

Please read the full details below and listen to your soul and see if it guides you to take this transformational workshop.

Karen Paolino

Heal Your Life ~Achieve your Dreams~

Come and join us for a powerful two day discovery of who you really are. Find your inner-child again, learn how to heal, and how to love. Most of all, learn how to love the most important person in your life here on earth, yourself.

Workshop participants will discover that loving ourselves is the foundation for making positive changes. Using affirmations, visualizations, and other techniques developed by Louise Hay, you will experience transformation as you heal the past, present, and future. By learning to allow barriers to dissolve, every area of your life can improve using the techniques we teach; personal, career and prosperity.

Your Facilitators:
Joe and Doreen Marchetti facilitate the workshop and are certified Louise Hay, Heal Your Life Teachers. Joe is also a Hypnotherapist and Spiritual-Life coach. Doreen is a Reiki Master/Teacher, Spiritual-Life coach and artist. "We feel we are being guided to do our part in healing the planet, one heart at a time".
Heaven on Earth Abington, Ma
Saturday, March  21st & Sunday, March 22nd, Time: 9:00 AM-5:00 PM both days
$250 **$200 Early discount if registered 3/13
Call Karen Paolino 781-857-1444 or email

~ Level 1- Reiki Class!!~
I am taking registrations for Level 1 Reiki Attunement class.
Details are below.
The only pre-requisite to the class is
you must have experienced at least one Reiki treatment.
If you have not received a Reiki treatment but feel you are being lead
to becoming a level one Reiki practitioner,
call me and set up an appointment for a Reiki session before the class.
~Date: Saturday---February 28, 2009

~Time: 9:00 am to 5:00 pm~

~Energy exchange: $100~

Class size limited to 4 students

***There are 3 (maybe only 2) spots left***

I am accepting deposits of $30 to hold your space.
Please paypal to
or mail a check to: Finally Understand Now
23 Electric Ave
Brockton MA 02302

((call…. even at the last minute to check for an opening))
(((If you are meant to be here, there will be an opening for you))


Deposits are non-refundable but can be used within six months
on another Reiki Attunement class.

If you have been attuned to Reiki 1 in the past but feel unsure of your knowledge,
attending the class will be beneficial to you as well. You will receive hands on practice,
class discussion, and more, as well as the attunement.
Receiving the attunement again is not a problem, it’s a good thingJ