Is it true that you get what you give? I like to think it is true. Let's prove this theory of the universal energy. Remember that to give is an action, it does not mean thinking and not doing, and it does not mean wait until someone else gives to you first. Imagine yourself in a circle and that everyone you meet today is a part of that circle of this day. Pass One Ounce of Love to each person in some way that feels right to you. Then tune in to all of your interactions with people the rest of the day and notice how many ounces of love are being sent your way. A circle always has a beginning (you) and and ending (you). Begin by giving and you will be receiving a multiplied version of what you are giving. So come on in the P.O.O.L. (Pass One Ounce of Love). Let me know how your experience turns out.
Love and Blessings
Joe and Doreen
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