Monday, August 25, 2008

Radio Interview August 24th 2008

Joe and I were interviewed on 95.9FM last night about our Louise Hay: Heal Your Life workshops. What a fun time that was!! We were given a CD of the show and I am trying to figure out how to upload it to the blog and website. There has to be a way! Sign up for feeds so you will get an email when I figure it out. We would love feedback on it which you can do by posting a comment. I know, maybe I can upload it to YouTube? If anyone reading this knows the answer to my dilemma, please post or email, I would love the answer!!

Have a marvelous Monday!!!

Tuesday, August 19, 2008

Evening Meditation with Joe CD

Joe has produced his first of many meditaion CDs. We are getting rave reviews which pleases us so much. Joe has put his heart and soul into this recording and it shows. He is still working on his book and has many more meditation CDs ready to record. Pretty soon he will have to obtain ISBN numbers so we can put his work on Amazon and Borders. For now we are very blessed to have our website and this blog to get the word out.
Price is $18 which includes shipping in the USA.
Click here to go to our F.U.N. Shoppe for more information....