Monday, May 25, 2009

Reality Check

If I live in the now, and don't judge good or bad, I can just accept life as it comes. It is when I choose to take the now reality and write a fictional story around it, that I now have an imagined reality, hence good and bad becomes part of the story. This imagined reality is just as real as if it were happening now, because IT IS............ in my mind. Having the awareness of this doesn't mean I am always able to just think it different, but it does mean I know when I am doing it. This awareness allows me to get out of the movie directors role more often, more easily, or at least know that I am doing it to myself, by choice. The more I am aware that I am choosing, I choose not to.
What's in your reality?

Wednesday, May 20, 2009

One word inspiritaion

Is it possible to inspire someone using one word? I think it is if you use an acronym. Let's see how many of us can come up with an acronym for a word that has a spiritual in nature inspiration. I will start the ball rolling my word is ASTRAL. The acronym is A Spiritual Threshold Reaffirming All Love. Now it is your turn.
Love and blessings

Monday, May 18, 2009

We are back!..............

After our 10 day trip to California which included, attending the I Can Do It conference, then advanced training we came home to prepare to facilitate our May, Heal Your Life® Workshop this past weekend. Joe and I are in "recharge our energy" mode. I wanted to take a few moments this morning to share a few photos with you.

Doreen, Johathan Ellerby and Joe at ICDI

Doreen and Sonia Choquette, what a light she is!
The most cherished photo is this picture of Joe, Louise Hay and Doreen (me).
To be in her energy is a blessing.

Advance Class at Rick and Patricia's ranch.
Anne, Joe, Jan, Sandra, Kelly, Rita, Michele & Sandra (I'm taking the photo)

Joe and Brian Weiss at ICDI

Joe and Sonia Choquette at ICDI
Joe and Doreen at Rick and Patricia's ranch
San Diego is a gorgeous place to be. We thank Rick and Patricia
for sharing their piece of Heaven on Earth with us.

Thank you sharing in our joy. A new calender of events is coming very soon.