Thursday, September 30, 2010

Conscious Breathing Meditation

This is a very quick and effective meditation that you can do anywhere, anytime that you can close your eyes for 40 seconds or so. The intention here is to release your (in-tension) and transform it to (out-tension) or (inner peace).

Close your eyes, take a deep slow breath in through your nose, and as you do this say in your mind, "I am". Release the breath very slowly through your mouth and as you do say "At peace". Repeat this. Then on your third in breath, hold it for 3 seconds repeating "I am, I am, I am" in your mind. As you release the breath saying "at peace", feel that peace throughout your mind and body. Aaaaaaaaaaaaah! Enjoy the serenity.
Love and blessings

Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Heal Your Life Workshop

We are excited to announce our next 2 day, Louise Hay, You Can Heal Your Life workshop!!

October 9th and 10th..........9am to 6pm both days!

Go to our Website to learn more and to sign up. Special pricing ends Oct 1st.

Namaste' & Blessings

Doreen & Joe

Thursday, July 1, 2010

James Twyman Event

what a great night with James Twyman!! Joe and I were fortunate to be part of a group that received advanced copies of his book The Barn Dance coming out in September, then attend this evening discussion the book.

To see pictures go to... my facebook page and friend me

Namaste’ & Blessings,
Doreen Marchetti

Louise Hay: Heal Your Life®
Workhshop Leader, Teacher & Life Coach
~Certified Angel Messenger ~ Certified Hypnotherapist
~The Wish™ facilitator ~ EFT Practitioner
~Spirit Artist ~ Reiki Master-Teacher
"Healing the world one heart at a time"

Visit my site…
Friend me on click> Facebook
Follow me on click>Twitter

516 N. Bedford St
E. Bridgewater MA
by appointment…
Call 508-728-9740

“All that I need to know at any given moment is revealed to me.
I trust myself and I trust life. All is well”. ~Louise Hay

Monday, February 1, 2010

You Can Heal Your Life® Teleclass

Hello to each and every one of you that visits here. I have exciting news...................

Join me from the comfort of your home, one hour a week, for six weeks and learn how you can Heal Your Life® from the inside out. Discover where limiting beliefs came from, get in touch with your inner child, learn how to express your emotions, free yourself from what is keeping you stuck. Using affirmations, you can replace the limiting beliefs with a positive new outlook on life.
This six week teleclass is based on the intensive 2 day workshop I facilitate. I am licensed to teach the work of Louise Hay and I am a licensed Heal Your LIfe® Life Coach. This teleclass allows you to experience healing, forgiving and loving yourself from the privacy of your home. I understand deep hurt and vulnerability. And I understand fear, fear of exposing your deepest self in a group setting. This course is designed to help you do those things in a group but also where you feel most safe, your home. Someday, you will join us in person to exerience the 2 day workshop. I just know you will.
Another reason this teleclass is being offered is for those people aching inside for something more. You know that feeling? There are so many people that cannot go out or join in a group for many reasons. Offering this valuable self healing class, allows everyone to come together to learn, share, heal and grow as individuals. There is nothing more awesome than learning to love and accept ourselves because once we can truly feel love for oursleves, then and only then, can we truly love others.
What you need to participate in the TeleClass..
1.. You Can Heal Your Life® by, Louise L. Hay Click Hay House Logo 88x31 to order
2.. Ordering From The Cosmic Kitchen by, Dr. Patricia Crane Click HERE to order, if needed (once at the site, scroll down and click on The Cosmic Kitchen)

3..A journal hour each week for yourself to attend the class

5..a quiet space to participate in the class

6..the desire to be willing, to love yourself
Each class is on Monday
1st Class ~ 2-22-2010
2nd Class ~ 3-1-2010
3rd Class ~ 3-8-2010
4th Class ~ 3-15-2010
5th Class ~ 3-22-2010
6th Class ~ 3-29-2010
**Class times are 12 pm to 1 pm ~OR~ 7 pm to 8 pm **Eastern Standard Time**
~please find out what time that is in your timezone~

6 weeks for $129
To sign up click HERE Be sure to choose the morning or evening teleclass

Once payment is processed you will receive the "Call In" informaton for the TeleClass (please call in 5 minutes before the start time)

Call or email Doreen with any questions...508-728-9740

with Infinite Love & Gratitude, Namaste'
Doreen Marchetti
Finally Understand

Life is a joy to experience as it unfolds before me.