Wednesday, July 18, 2012

Featured article in Heartbeats E-zine July 2012

From Fear Into Trust  
Somehow I volunteered to write an article from Fear into Trust. So I wrote the piece and basically it was a description of what fear and trust are and how they work in our experience. Then I added some wisdom of how not to let yourself get stuck in fear. I thought that would make me look good and you would not know that I am stuck in fear now. You see, somewhere a part of me holds a belief that I cannot let others know when I am feeling fear - that I must not "air my dirty laundry". Now there's a phrase I haven't heard in a long time.
Then Verity, the e-zine Editor, suggested that instead of just an impersonal article, I add an experience of my own to share with others. So I sit down to re-write and find that I am resisting doing it, but what I am really resisting is allowing my fear to surface. Well, the Universe somehow gives me exactly what I need, exactly when I need it. The message is to walk through my fear and you get to share the experience with me as I do it.   

The first thing I need to do is acknowledge that I am feeling fear. That way I am not resisting the feeling, and that all of my feelings are valid. By accepting this and not pushing against it, I remove some of the power it has over me. As I say this I can already feel my breathing becoming less restricted.  

So now I must ask what part of me is in fear, and why? The answer: It is my mind, and the reason is that I have moved to a new location, and I am not established here, so I cannot see how the future is going to play out. Ouch, I am a coach, and I know that fear can only be of the Future, that means I am not living in the Now. I coach people about this, how can I get caught up in it myself?  

The next realization is that the part of me that is in fear exists only in my mind, and is being fed by thoughts that exist in my Belief System. The belief that I have to know what is going to happen next so that I will not be taken by surprise, that I must be in control of everything about my life.... on and on and on. Oh, this speaks so loudly to me as I keep hearing "Ye of little faith", "Let go and let God".  

There is a part of me that does not feel safe and that part of me goes back a long way to childhood, when I did not feel safe and could not intellectually explain why. So that is the part of me that is now activated as I feel this fear. Now I can visualize that little boy who is frightened and meet him with the adult compassionate part of me that does know it is safe, and that the beliefs I had then do not serve me any longer, that worrying about something that has not happened yet is only going to keep me stuck in this fear, and keep me from taking any action that will put me into the solution and get out of the problem.
As I feel these feelings I can notice the emotions rising up and coming to the surface because that is what was meant to happen at the time I originally felt them. I can now meet them with love and compassion just as if I were in front of any child that was expressing these feelings to me. As they pass through I can now move forward and take the steps that I am in control of, and then TRUST, (ah there it is) that the Universe will do its part, and somehow it will work out for my highest and best.  

I can now let go of having to know what that is. The trust that I was looking for was always there - it was just buried under the fear. But once I let the fear surface, the trust was no longer hidden behind it. My fear was being fueled by my thoughts on an intellectual level, but the emotion was activated by my inner child. So I say to him "Now, now, Little Man - this is just a feeling and it does not feel very good, but I promise you it will pass."

Thanks for sharing this experience (LIVE) of moving from fear into trust. Oh yes, and my Little Man thanks you too.

Licenced Heal Your Life Workshop Leader and Coach

Wednesday, July 4, 2012

During an EFT session this morning, I was left with a question.  The session involved some tapping on the sole (soul) of the foot.  This happened to be the area where the physical pain exited.  The question I was left with is why do we call that part of our foot the sole(soul)?  It would make more divine sense to call the area at the crown chakra the soul.  After discussing it with Doreen, this is the answer that came to me.  Our soul is always living in the now, one way of reminding us of this is to say “look at where your feet are, because that is where YOU are, if your mind is someplace else you are in the past or the future”.  So the message is “look down at where your feet are, and meet them with your mind, because that is where you ARE.  This is how we can bring our body, mind, and soul together in the same place, THE NOW.

Monday, January 9, 2012

Something to feel about, not think about. To you, From me

Hello FUN blog followers and visiters. I love that you are here and thank you!!

I remember as a kid saying this over and over and over, feeling it was profound.....

Yesterday was today, today is tomorrow and tomorrow will be today.

Now I would say it this way.........

Today is tomorrow, tomorrow is today and yesterday never was.

We are all moving forward into the experience of our life.

My mind wants me to change "and yesterday never was" to 'and yesterday is gone' but my guidance is telling me to leave it as is ♥

Something to feel about, instead of think about............Happy Monday♥

In love and light…………..
Namaste’ & Blessings,
~♥~ Doreen Marchetti ~♥~

HYL Teacher, Coach, Artist
♡♡♡ Angel Messenger & Medium ♡♡♡