Hello everyone!!
We saw many people we knew and made lots of new friends these past few days. At the very end of the show we asked an attendee that was at our booth to draw a name for the winner of $50 and the winner was a wonderful woman named Lynne. I called her cell phone and since she was still in the Sturbridge area she drove back to the convention center and we gave her, her winnings!!
We plan on going back again next year as vendors and speakers. Now for some pictures. Only a few as the days were busy.
Sunday, September 25, 2011
2011 Natural Living Expo was great!
Friday, September 23, 2011
Thursday, September 22, 2011
@Heaven on Earth with author Robert Schwartz
Robert Schwartz, author of Your Soul's Plan gave a talk about his book tonight at Heaven on Earth in Pembroke MA. He is in MA to speak at the Natural Living Expo this weekend. The talk from 7 to 9pm and was very interesting and informative.
As they say a picture is worth a thousand words......
We are off in the morning to Healthy Living Expo
Joe and I are excited to share what we do with all of the wonderful people attending this great event. I will be taking photos before, during and after to share with my blogger, facebook and twitter friends.
Namaste' & Blessings
blog post with pictures each evening starting tonight!
We are off in the morning to Healthy Living Expo
Joe and I are excited to share what we do with all of the wonderful people attending this great event. I will be taking photos before, during and after to share with my blogger, facebook and twitter friends.
Namaste' & Blessings
blog post with pictures each evening starting tonight!
Friday, August 19, 2011

There is nothing like a haircut (photo shows haircut I just got) to bring up old limiting beliefs!! Getting the haircut I want has been an ongoing issue in my life. I get this desire, urge if you will, to get a short haircut. The image in my mind is more full with long layers, like a cap of hair. In my mind it's very pretty and natural, not like the picture which is cut close with short layers. I even bring photos to the salons to show the hair stylists. I also look through their books to show them what I want and even what I do not want. I have spent a lot of time over the years showing and explaining what "I do not want" in a haircut and guess what? I have just about always ended up with this same shaped haircut......Ugh!! (what we focus on is what we attract) Although once I did get a great short haircut and could never get it again, even from the same hairstylist. I guess that was one of those times when the Universe was showing me it is possible but first there is work to do.
This time, when the same haircut with it's attached feelings came around again, I did my work around the feelings coming up. This time I asked myself the questions..."Why do I feel the way I feel about this haircut?" "What are these feelings showing me about me"? "What gifts (known as old limiting beliefs about myself) are the emotions in strange wrapping paper (called a haircut) here to show me about me?"
In the past I would have focused on the hair stylist (aka: the holder of the mirror) instead of the feelings/emotions showing up (what the mirror is reflecting). In the past I have used tremendous energy and precious moments of my life avoiding my feelings and blaming the mirror holder. I have felt, dealt with and released so many old limiting beliefs I held about myself (we all have them and they were formed from conception to age 7) I was surprised by the depth of what I was feeling around this haircut. Journaling helped a great deal.
Here is some of what came up as I wrote with guidance from my Angels and Guides............
Q--What is up with my hair? Why do I continue to get the same haircut no matter who is cutting
my hair?
A--Your hair is directly connected to your feelings of self worth and fitting in. You are correct
you have the same haircut you got each summer at your Aunt's house. Even that was not the
original occurrence with your hair
Q--What was?
A--A baby, long before you knew you even had hair.
Q--How does that apply if I didn't even know I had hair? How would any limiting beliefs be
formed around hair when hair was not in my experience?
A--It was all of the comments and how they made you feel. When you became aware of your
hair you made the connection.
Q--OK, I still don't know anymore now than before this dialog. What is my self work in this? I
would love to heal this and have a great haircut:-)
A--(no answer came.................
Until the next day...................more journaling
What is coming up for me is the past........SURPRISE! LOL
In the summer when I would go to Quincy to stay with my Aunt Madeline she would bring me (or maybe Mary started it, I don't know). Anyway, I would be taken to this beauty salon and get a Pixie, aka: scalped! I loved my hair long and they didn't want to deal with it so they had it cut off every time I stayed with one of them.
I went to the hair stylist this week with pictures of the haircut I wanted on my iPad so she could see what I want. I even showed her the picture of what I wanted again before she started cutting my hair and I got what you see above, not what I wanted.
I am tired of this showing up. I am open to tapping into the old limiting beliefs still being held as energy inside my body. I am still drawing this haircut to me. These haircuts are being done FOR me, not To me. Every single time I have been given this haircut it is and was an opportunity to look inside, to look at what the mirror was reflecting to me about me.
Here is what came up when I let the old limiting negative beliefs surface..............
Nobody listens to me.........What I say doesn't matter...........They know better than me..........I cannot articulate my desires............Nobody understands me no matter how much detail I use in my explanation of what I want...........I am not understood...........People lie and say something looks good when it doesn't..............My perception and the hair stylist's perception of the same photo are way off..............My father never told them to stop........Nobody had my back.....I had to stand up for myself or I was doomed............If I had a mother they wouldn't do this to me, she would care about me and stop them.............I was easy prey because I had nobody to protect me.........I must become tough and protect myself.............
I know what is, is. My hair is what it is until it grows. I know that I will go to the wedding this weekend and have a blast even though I have this haircut. I know that what my hair looks like says nothing about me, it's just hair, it's not ME. I also know that the many feelings and self limiting beliefs I formed from conception to 7 years are what is coming up.
Just now I had a memory of my mother brushing my hair and saying what nice hair I had and how she loved to brush it. I was around 6 in this memory. It was after my mother died when I was 7 that her sister's showed an interest in me. Madeline couldn't get pregnant and Mary had a son but wanted a daughter too. Even though they said my sister was prettier they stopped having her sleep over because she wet the bed. I didn't, so I was the "pretend I have a daughter girl" until Madeline had her own. I got to stay there a couple of times after my cousin was born but then I was not invited to stay with them anymore. She had a real daughter now and didn't need me around. When they had another way to fill their needs (my cousin) I was thrown back like a fish that wasn't good enough to keep.
Lot's of awareness of old limiting belief in this experience for me..........
......by cutting my hair off they took away a connection to my mother, something about me that
my mother loved.
......I wasn't good enough to have around just as I was.
......They would have been happier with my sister but settled for me.
I remain open to all of the "gifts in strange wrapping paper" this haircut is bringing to me. I am light and love allowing the release of old limiting beliefs to leave my body. The old negative energy attached to these beliefs about myself, and the emotions attached to those beliefs, no longer serve me in any way. I release them now and invite the energy of love and light to flow into the space created as they leave my physical body and my experience in this lifetime.
To all of my past, current and future clients..........
I live what I teach and I love that I do!!
You can do this too!
And so it is!
With tremendous gratitude to my hair stylist for this gift in strange wrapping paper (haircut), I thank you from the bottom of my heart for being who you are in my experience.
Finally Understand Now