Saturday, October 24, 2009

Hello from Doreen & Joe

Joe and I would like to share this wonderful meditation by Doreen Virtue. Give yourself the gift of 10 uninterrupted minutes to watch this beautiful video she made from her home in Hawaii. And as you watch listen to the loving message she shares.

With Infinite Love & Gratitude we share this video

Thursday, October 8, 2009

Conscious Breathing

Conscious Breathing: "How often are yo so caught up in the daily 'to do' list that if it weren't for your sub-conscious (reptillian) brain would you forget to breathe? Conscious breathing is the conscious decision to breathe in deeply and as you do saying 'I am' and as you breathe out saying 'at peace'. It is amazing how this small act of self love can center you and from the center you can choose to go in any direction. You are also making a direct connection from the conscious mind to the sub-conscious mind, they are operating as one. It feels natural, peaceful, and joyful, and most of all loving, and that is our natural state of being. So make sure to add the time on your 'to do' list to breathe consciously, and let's call it the 'to be' list. AAAAAHHHH!
Love and blessings